Transfer of knowledge in international strategic alliances A structural approach رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
Supplier -supplier interactions and their effects on supply performance An empirical study رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
Exploring the uncharted linkage between global integration and information technology A conceptual model and an empirical investigation رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
How implementing an e -business affects a small rural art business in northern New Mexico رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
Recent graduates' perceptions of critical management competencies for healthcare administrators رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
The effects of interorganizational information systems infrastructure (IOSI) on electronic cooperation An investigation of the move to the middle رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
The relationship between leadership and employee job satisfaction in a military community رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
The association of perceived leadership behaviors with subordinate job satisfaction at selected NCAA Division III Midwest college athletic departments رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
The effect of undergraduate business programs on early career success رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
The relationship between Ansoff's contingent success hypothesis location and profitability for technology firms in or near urban centers compared to technology firms in non-urban (suburban) areas رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
Funding priorities and the expenditure patterns of City of Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
The exploration of the relationship between Taiwanese executive leadership style and knowledge management practice in Mainland China رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
The impact of market orientation and its strategic antecedents on business performance Replication corroboration and extension of recent structural equation results رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)