Association Between Polymorphisms Associated with Major Depression Cognitive Function and Stress Regulation and Telomere Length in Older Community-Dwelling Adults and in Older Competitive Athletes رسالة ماجستير Master and PhD theses (PDF Files)
Analyses of Language and Culture Beliefs and Reported Practices رسالة دكتوراه Master and PhD theses (PDF Files)
An MEG investigation of the differential responsivity of the human calcarine fissure and fusiform gyrus to the emotion of viewed faces رسالة دكتوراه Master and PhD theses (PDF Files)
An Ontological Analysis of Mainstream Addiction Theories- Exploring Relational Alternatives رسالة دكتوراه Master and PhD theses (PDF Files)
An Investigation of the Role of GABAb Ligands on Cued and Context رسالة ماجستير Master and PhD theses (PDF Files)
An Open Trial Investigation of Emotion Detectives- A Transdiagnos رسالة ماجستير Master and PhD theses (PDF Files)
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Seizures and Autism Symptomology in Young Children رسالة ماجستير Master and PhD theses (PDF Files)
An Item Reduction Analysis of the Group Questionnaire رسالة ماجستير Master and PhD theses (PDF Files)
An investigation of verbal events as motivating operations - the effects of mood induction on the reinforcing value of consequences رسالة دكتوراه Master and PhD theses (PDF Files)
An Evaluation of the Impact of Rent Assistance on Individuals Experiencing Chronic Homelessness in Waterloo Region رسالة ماجستير Master and PhD theses (PDF Files)
An Empirical Investigation of Emotional Reactivity and Elevated Mental contamination رسالة ماجستير Master and PhD theses (PDF Files)
An anatomical investigation of higher visual structures in the pigeon (Columba livia) رسالة دكتوراه Master and PhD theses (PDF Files)
Age-Related Changes in Hippocampal Arc Expression Following Minim رسالة ماجستير Master and PhD theses (PDF Files)
Affective reactivity of speech disturbances in schizotypyرسالة ماجستير Master and PhD theses (PDF Files)