- Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (с дополнениями)-US Department of Defense (2001) كتاب يحمل اسم (ملفات PDF)
Description of Successful American Indian Students in U.S. History Classes at a Comprehensive Two-Year Community College (ملفات PDF)
Gregory Daly - Cannae The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War-Routledge (2002) كتاب يحمل اسم (ملفات PDF)
Investigation of a Curriculum Change in American History in Selected Public High Schools in Missouri (ملفات PDF)
(Weapons and Warfare) Justin Murphy - Military Aircraft Origins to 1918 An Illustrated History of Their-ABC-CLIO (2005) كتاب يحمل اسم (ملفات PDF)
(Screen Decades) Stephen Prince - American Cinema of the 1980s Themes and Variations-Rutgers University Press (2007) كتاب يحمل اسم (ملفات PDF)
Department of Defense - Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms-University Press of the Pacific (2002)كتاب يحمل اسم (ملفات PDF)
(Continuum issues in phenomenology and hermeneutics) Pol Vandevelde Sebastian Luft (Eds.) - Epistemology Archaeology Ethics Current Investigations of Husserl's Corpus-Continuum (2010) كتاب يحمل اسم (ملفات PDF)
(SBL Archaeology and Biblical Studies 20) Andrew R. Davis - Tel Dan in Its Northern Cultic Context-Society of Biblical Literature (2013) كتاب يحمل اسم (ملفات PDF)