Participation in neighborhood governance and its influence on sense of community capacity and legitimacy رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
Lyndon Baines Johnson and the American people A study of public opinion linkage from the presidential perspective رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
Principles of municipal budgeting A reexamination of the debate over the principles and proverbs of public administration رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
Presidential leadership and public opinion Polling in the Ford and Carter administrations رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
Nongovernmental organizations in public private partnerships Applications to new institutional economics رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
Minor league baseball stadiums and the decision-making process of local Southern California governmental agencies Whether or not to build using taxpayers' dollars رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
Modeling antecedents of public service motivation in undergraduate students رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
Public administration in Ethiopia 1974-1991 Administrative and policy responses to turbulence رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
Privatization of federal government functions Reagan Clinton and the theory action paradox رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
Networks and public benefits in public -private partnerships A local economic development case رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)
Private schools and public quality An analysis of the effects of private schools on public school performance رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه (ملفات PDF)