المنطلقات النظرية والمنهجية لدراسات التلقي - دراسة نقدية تحليلية لأبحاث الجمهور في الجزائر (ملفات PDF)
Delphi Study of the Predicted Effects of Video Yearbooks on High School Journalism Programs (ملفات PDF)
Effects of Programed Grammar and Journal Writing on Student Writing Ability An Exploratory Study (ملفات PDF)
Future of Computer-Assisted Reporting Courses in University Journalism Programs A Delphi Study (ملفات PDF)
Image of China in the U.S. Press a Case Study of Three U.S. Newsmagazines in 1985 and 1993 (ملفات PDF)
Evaluation of the Distance Education Literature a Content Analysis Using the Institute for Higher Education Policy Benchmarks and Selected Bibliometric Methods (ملفات PDF)
Exploring options to build trust between journalists and audiences in collegiate community journalism education (ملفات PDF)