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Importance of plagiarism detector use and examples
The significance of plagiarism detector free
Plagiarism detector is used to reveal another person's work or ideas without being credited with the appropriate credit and present your work or ideas. Plagiarism is a violation of the original copyright, which authored texts on specific and specific topics.
Some examples of plagiarism include:
- Quoting someone’s words without assigning those words to their original author.
- Copying or buying a research / term paper and convert it into your own.
- Using the exact words of another person in your work without mentioning the source or crediting the author.
- Rephrasing or restructuring ideas with heavy reliance on the work of the original author without reference to the author's name.
The link of www.plagiarism-detect.com is an example of plagiarism detector free. This plagiarism detector free is a great tool to verify scientific inference has proven its effectiveness during our testing it and gave excellent results. Although this tool of plagiarism detector is slow to show a spoofing report, it is accurate and can check the authenticity of any website's content.
What kind of work is subject to copyright checker?
Copyright ownership grants the owner the exclusive right to use the work, with some exceptions. When a person creates a fixed original work on a physical medium, he automatically owns the copyright to this work, There are many types of works eligible for copyright checker, for example:
- Audiovisual works, such as TV shows, movies, and online video clips.
- Sound recordings and musical compositions.
- Written works, such as lectures, articles, books, and musical compositions.
- Visual works, such as paintings, posters, and advertisements.
- Video games and computer software.
- Dramas, such as plays and musicals.

Tools to check paper for plagiarism
It may seem easy for those who do not have sufficient knowledge or real knowledge to carry out literary and scientific research and messages and steal many texts to include them in their research papers and theses without reference to the original authors of them.
It is very difficult for those whose research and literary works are stolen. Such scientific and literary works are the product of great effort. Some students steal literary and scientific works, perhaps literally without mentioning the source completely, and some even attribute these works entirely to them.
Therefore, many developers and programmers have endeavored to provide programs that do a great quote check to reveal the quote percentage and to verify the paper from plagiarism in any literary work or scientific research. There are sites and programs at a high cost, owned by the most famous universities and places of research and studies, and they are considered tools to verify the paper against plagiarism. There are also programs and sites to check paper for plagiarism, and here are the most important of these programs and tools:
- Checkforplagiarism.
- Plagiarisma.
- Plagtracker.
The most important paid of plagiarism finder:
- Ithenticate program:
This plagiarism finder is considered one of the most important programs in the world and it is used very much because of the confidence it gained as a result of the reliability and reliability of its results. This plagiarism finder is used by many universities, teachers and students in addition to scientific periodicals. This program compares the research presented with 38,800,000 scientific documents, books and research present in more than 80,000 research journals.
In addition to comparing it with 450 billion internet pages and 92000000 abstracts for research in databases, this plagiarism finder colors the places of the quotation in several colors, so that these colors determine the percentage of the quotation and its severity.
The most important characteristic of this plagiarism finder is its ability to compare the required research with all languages because its system is able to deal with the language code.
As for the cost of participating in this plagiarism finder, it is $ 50 per search, which does not exceed 2500 words, or $ 150 for those who wish to examine more than one search, provided that the total number of words does not exceed 75,000 words.
This plagiarism finder is not only considered one of the most important literary theft examination programs, but it is the most used program around the world. This plagiarism finder is from the programs intended for undergraduate students because this plagiarism finder discovers the amount of students quoting from their colleagues.
This plagiarism finder distinguishes the place of the quotation in color, which allows the teacher to distinguish the quotation between students among themselves or with the Internet. Educational institutions are supposed to rely on this plagiarism finder, which will provide a lot of benefits to teachers and the educational institution.
This plagiarism finder is distinguished by not only checking the research or article and comparing it with the data in its system, but it also allows students to correct their verbal, grammatical and expressive errors, in addition to documentation errors and references and notes.
Graduate students use this plagiarism finder frequently when writing and drafting scientific research that they prepare. This plagiarism finder also provides the possibility of criticism for scientific research by specialists, which allows students to discover the weaknesses in the research before submitting the research to work to avoid them.
For inquiries or request service please contact customer service via WhatsApp or through the site.
With greetings: Al - Manara Consulting to help researchers and graduate students