The social neuroscience of psychosis From neurobiology to neurotherapeutics. Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Social and affective neuroscienc an Australian perspective. Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
How Japanese and European Canadians process social context in close and acquaintance relationships Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
A multilevel social neuroscience perspective on radicalization and terrorism. Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Evidence for two asynchronous circadian systems of emotionality Theoretical aspects Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Using reinforcement learning models in social neuroscience frameworks pitfalls and suggestions of best practices. Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
A Guide to Representational Similarity Analysis for Social Neuroscience. Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
The application of computational models to social neuroscience promises and pitfalls. Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Toward Interactive Social Neuroscience Neuroimaging Real‐World Interactions in Various Populations. Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Social cognition social neuroscience and evolutionary social psychology Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
A Review Essay on Social Neuroscience Can Research on the Social Brain and Economics Inform Each Other Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)
Four Social Neuroscience On-Going Requisites for Effective Collaborative Learning and the Altruistic Turn Scientific research and studies (PDF Files)