Detection of Denial of Service Attack and Side Channel Attack in Self-service Cloud Using Group Testing Strategy.pdf كتاب يحمل اسم (ملفات PDF)
Exploring Freshmen Undergraduates' Acceptance of the Theory of Evolution and Views of Nature of Science.pdf كتاب يحمل اسم (ملفات PDF)
Comparative Study of Business Data Processing Curriculums Among Selected Junior Colleges within the United States.pdf كتاب يحمل اسم (ملفات PDF)
Digital Speed and Accuracy Tradeoffs in Continuous Kalman Filtering for Nonlinear Systems.pdf كتاب يحمل اسم (ملفات PDF)
Determination of Prime Implicants for Disjunctive Boolean Functions by Use of a Digital Computer.pdf كتاب يحمل اسم (ملفات PDF)
Common Sense Rhetorics of Anti-science Testimonies from Creationists and Anti-environmentalists.pdf كتاب يحمل اسم (ملفات PDF)
Tube by Tube Design of Light Hydrocarbon Cracking Furnaces Using a Digital Computer.pdf كتاب يحمل اسم (ملفات PDF)
Study of the Science Achievement of Earth Science Curriculum Project Students from Different Socioeconomic Areas.pdf كتاب يحمل اسم (ملفات PDF)