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Examples written according to APA style
The system of APA documentation is based on writing the documentation in two parts; the first bears the name of the author of the last reference and the other part is the date of the copy of the reference next to the documentation sentence. In the case of the documentation sentence is taken literally, the page number should be written with the symbol (P.) then the number, and this system is considered good in references for science Social.
The writers write APA documentation at the end of their research by writing the name of the author of the last book that they used in their research. Then, they append it with a comma and mentions the first letter of the author's first name, end it with a point, then write the date in parentheses followed by the name of the book directly and then ends it with a point. Then, they write the location of the publication and appends it two vertical points are attached to the publisher’s name.
How to write references in scientific research according to APA style format?
The method of documenting references, according to APA style format, and writing them varies according to the reference. Documentation of books according to APA style format differs from periodicals and others. Below is an explanation of how to write documentation for different types of references according to APA style format:
- APA style format in documenting books for one or more authors: the author’s nickname, the first name, followed by that last name, then the first name of other authors if they exist, followed by the title of the book, and place of publication: publisher, year of publication, and number of pages.
- APA style format in documenting specialized journals: the author’s nickname, then the first name and the last name and then the first for other authors if they exist, followed by the date of publication in the year, month, and day, the title of the research, the journal name, volume number (sequence number), and page numbers.
- APA style format in documenting newspapers and magazines: the author’s nickname, then the first name follows that last name, then the first for other authors if they exist, then the date of publication in the year, month, and day, the title of the research, the name of the newspaper, information about the part: the page number, and finally the column number if any.
- APA style format in documenting conference proceedings, or scientific papers and summaries: the editor's nickname, then the first name follows that last name, then the first for other editors if they exist, followed by the year of publication, description of the summaries and title of the conference, then the conference date in the year, month, day, location of the conference, place of publication, and publisher , And the number of pages.
- APA style format in documenting university theses and patents: the author’s nickname, followed by the first name, followed by the last name, then the first for other authors if they exist, then the title of the thesis, the location of the awarding institution, the name of the awarding institution, the date of certification, the number of pages, and information available.
- APA style format in documenting manuscripts and documents: the title of the document/ manuscript, then the description and date of the document/ manuscript, and finally the place of deposit and the country.
- APA style format in documenting electronic journals: the author’s nickname, then the first name, followed by the last name, then the first for other authors if they exist, then the title of the research, the name of the magazine is brief followed by the year of publication, the volume (version number) and the number of pages.
- APA style format in documenting information from the websites: the author’s nickname, the first name follows that last name, then the first for other authors if they exist, the title of the web page (the Internet), the place of publication, the publisher, and the date of publication [update/ amendment date, documentation date], available from: (Copy the webpage address) (URL).

APA style examples- books
General format
Author(s). (Year). Title of book: Subtitle. Place of Publication: Publisher.
No author
The business of roses. (1974). Los Angeles: Little and Long.
One author
Beeson, M. (2007). Regionalism & globalization in East Asia: Politics, security and economic development. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
2 authors
Chomsky, N., & Halle, M. (1968). The sound patterns of English. New York: Harper & Row.
3 authors or more
Larson, G. W., Ellis, D. C., & Rivers, P. C. (1984). Essentials of chemical dependency counseling. New York: Columbia University Press.
Book with editors
Hill, C. A., & Helmers, M. (Eds.). (2004). Defining visual rhetorics. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Edition of a book
(2nd, 3rd, etc.)
Note that the first word of a subtitle is always capitalized.
Lemay, L. (1997). Teach yourself web publishing with HTML 4 in a week (4th ed.). Indianapolis, IN: Sams.net.
(electronic book)
Vogel, C. G. (1999). Legends of landforms: Native American
lore and the geology of the land [Ebrary
version]. Retrieved from http://www.ebrary.com/
The importance of APA essay format
APA essay format is very important because documentation is a clear evidence of the scientific integrity of researchers. When researchers or students obtain data or information from a specific source to write as essay according to APA format, the author of the source must be referred to in order to preserve the copyright of the original author.
In addition, APA essay format is very important because documentation makes it easy for the reader to refer to the source of the information in order to obtain a sufficient amount in case of wanting to learn more about the subject of the essay.
Moreover, APA essay format is very important because documentation is an indication of the researchers' interest in seeing several references dealing with the same topic of the essay and their follow-up to many previous studies. In addition, APA essay format is very important because scientific researchers, readers, and discussants are familiarized of the data included in their essay by writing publication dates for references while writing the essay.
Thus, APA essay format is very important because documentation is an important source of information for researchers who belong to the same discipline in case of wanting to obtain information in the same field.
Examples of APA citation format (journal & magazine articles- websites)
First: APA citation format for journal & magazine articles.
The APA citation format for journal & magazine articles is Author(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of article: Subtitle. Title of Magazine, volume (issue), pages. Retrieved from URL of magazine web site / library database home page [if applicable].
- If there is a popular magazine articles, general format, the APA citation format is:
Pettigrew, T. F. (2009). Secondary transfer effect of contact: Do intergroup contact effects spread to noncontacted outgroups? Social Psychology, 40(2), 55-65.
- If there is periodical web site, the APA citation format is:
Inada, K. K. (1995). A Buddhist response to the nature of human rights. Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 2, 55-66. Retrieved from http://www.buddhistethics.org/
- If there is a library database, the APA citation format is:
Jehiel, P. (1999). Information aggregation and communication in organizations. Management Science, 45(5), 659-669. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org
Second: APA citation format for websites.
The APA citation format for web pages is Author(s). (Date published, copyright or last revision).
Title of specific web page or article: Subtitle. Retrieved from URL of specific web page or article
- If there is a web page with author , the APA citation format is:
Daly, B. (1997). Writing argumentative essays. Retrieved from
- If there is a web page with no author, the APA citation format is:
How to make vegetarian chili. (n.d.). Retrieved August 8, 2010, from
- If there is personal authors, the APA citation format is:
Johnson, K. A., & Becker, J. A. (n.d.). The whole brain atlas. Retrieved from
- If there is Corporate author, the APA citation format is:
University of Wisconsin-Madison Writing Center. (2009). Resources for proposal writers. Retrieved from
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