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how to analyze Interviews?
Are a “data collection method”. Interviews are commonly given to experts in a specific field. Interviews come in a large amount of information the researcher needs to the Interviews analysis, to be used to address the problem of research, and it is known that the researcher cannot Interviews analysis without knowing and dealing with the data.
Qualitative data is divided into two types, the first is nominal data: non-numerical data and statistical calculations cannot be performed on them during the Interviews. The second type is the orderly data: when Interviews analysis and their evidence.
Interviews analysis that produce qualitative data must be performed by the researcher from the first day of his study society. The scientific researcher determines the steps of the information he receives in Interviews.
The researcher determines the general form for the Interviews analysis, which consists of:
- Recognize the data: When Interviews analysis, the researcher must first collect, identify the data from the center of all the detailed events of the Interviews.
- Defining a framework for the information collected: Another stage of the work on the Interviews analysis.
- Data indexing: By identifying the types of data, the researcher should continue to Interviews analysis by indexing them in a manner appropriate for research.
- Writing and designing tables: Among the important steps in statistical analysis as a whole and not just Interviews, the scientific researcher during the Interviews analysis fills the tables with data.
- Mapping and interpretation of data: clarifying the relationships and elements associated with the research problem and explaining what the researcher has achieved the last work in the methods of Interviews analysis.
Qualitative analysis
The process of qualitative analysis begins with the beginning of the collection of scientific material. Thematic analysis is one of the methods used to qualitative analysis data, thematic analysis explains coding mechanisms and systematically qualitative analysis data.
Uses of qualitative analysis methods:
- Qualitative analysis is used in experimental studies.
- Qualitative analysis is also used to calculate special criteria.
- Special qualitative analysis is used to read and evaluate research studies.
The importance of qualitative analysis:
The qualitative analysis process aims to understand the researcher's implications, and at first glance it may seem difficult to qualitative analysis, but those with experience and those familiar with the problem of research or subject find in collecting a large amount of data a huge wealth towards starting to the intellectual and creative depth, Thus, the hoped-for results and the answers to the assumptions of scientific research are reached.

The quotations in scientific research is one of the main pillars on which the research plan depends, and the quotations is one of the oldest methods of collecting the scientific material known, and the aim of the quotations is to strengthen the research and strengthen the content.
Documenting quotations
Is the process by which data about other people are transmitted and with the source statement and the primary reference of this data.
Documenting quotations classifications
1.Direct documenting quotations (verbatim documenting quotations).
Is the way in which information transmitted about other persons is documented directly without any change, so the researcher in this type of documenting quotations transfers and takes the text from others as reported about them without any addition.
There are many instances where direct documenting quotations or verbatim documenting quotations are used, and one of the following is the use of direct documenting quotations:
- The researcher uses the direct documenting quotations in case the researcher insists on transferring the text as it is due to the quantity and level of beauty and eloquence in which the text enjoys and that this text does not accept any change the researcher to deal with documenting quotations directly.
- The researcher uses the direct documenting quotations in the case of texts in which the mind cannot be enforced and operated.
2.Indirect .
The process in which the researcher documenting quotations he takes about others conveys their ideas differently from the form in which they are quoted, and the researcher takes space from the freedom to act in the transmission of the text he wishes to quote indirectly.
The reason and motive that makes the researcher resort to such kind of documenting quotations the presence and appearance of the features of the personality of the researcher in the method of indirect quotations through which it highlights the presence of the researcher and appears directly or indirectly through his formulation and the way he conveys the texts he quotes.
Before the advent of integrated research strategies, One of the most important characteristics gained when using these strategies is the possibility of triangulation, where triangulation allows the researcher to use research methods and data sources and researchers to study a particular phenomenon in addition to identifying its aspects more accurately through approaching it and from different points of view using methods and various techniques.
Successful triangulation requires a thorough analysis of the type of information provided in each method, including its strengths and weaknesses, many researchers used the term triangulation in their studies, and triangulation is data collection in more ways than one.
In many cases, triangulation has been and continues to be recommended to validate and promote the results of the study. After the emergence of integrated search strategies, it is clear that triangulation is in fact a used use of integrated research.
Triangulation is also called cross examination and triangulation is the use of more than one tool or method of data collection and analysis of the same phenomenon in order to confirm the validity of the results in the study in addition to the fact that triangulation contributes to reducing the bias that may be caused by the method or tool of data collection.
The purpose of triangulation is to raise confidence in results by collecting data in more ways than one way to consider whether the data collected in more ways leads to the same results and promotes or supports each other.
Watch: Analysing your Interviews
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