what is APA referencing? - المنارة للاستشارات

what is APA referencing?

what is APA referencing?
اطلب الخدمة

what is APA referencing?

 APA referencing method for authentication 

The APA referencing authentication method is a method used to document scientific research references, where scientific research that has met all its requirements must contain APA referencing.

Documentation is “a process of preservation, arrangement and appreciation of the efforts of others, and reference to the source of information”, and one of the most important features of the APA referencing method is that it helps to increase the confidence of the results, and enhance the scientific secretariat of the researcher.

 apa guidelines 

  1. In text APA referencing:
  • The apa guidelines in an apa paper if the reference is a book, the APA referencing is: author's last name, year of publication, page
  • The apa guidelines in an apa paper if the reference is a book with two authors, the APA referencing is: “last name of first author, last name of the second author, year of publication, page”
  • The apa guidelines in an apa paper if the reference is a book with more than two authors, the APA referencing is: last name of first author, et.al., year of publication, page
  • The apa guidelines in an apa paper if the reference is an article, the APA referencing is: “author's last name, year of publication, page”
  • The apa guidelines in an apa paper if the reference is an article with two authors, the APA referencing is: “last name of the first author, last name of the second author, year of publication, page”
  • The apa guidelines in an apa paper if the reference is a master thesis, the APA referencing is: “author's last name, year of publication, page”
  • The apa guidelines in an apa paper if the reference is a doctoral thesis, the APA referencing is: “author's last name, year of publication, page”
  • The apa guidelines in an apa paper if it is a website, it is written as follows: “author's name (if any), title of article, year. Site”.
  1. Sources and references at the end of the search:
  • Documenting a book in Arabic or foreign:

The following order shall be taken into account: the “author's last name or surname, followed by his shares, the year of publication, two blanks, the title of the book, underlined, edition, two blanks, the publisher, place of publication”

  • Documenting research published in a scientific journal in Arabic or foreign, taking into account the following arrangement: the author's family name, followed by his or her name. Year of publication. The search address between the double quotations
  • Documenting an unpublished university letter:

The researcher's last name, followed by his name, year, address, college, university, publishing country, and the title of the message is written between the two texts

  • Internet documentation: Takes into considerations the following arrangement: the author's family name or fame, his name, the year of publication. "Article title", site, below which is a line

 apa writing style in APA referencing 

apa writing style is “the way in which the researcher is interested in writing scientific research references, according to the format of the American Psychological Association”, which is called " apa writing style ", and apa writing style in APA referencing is divided into two parts: the first: documentation in the content of the research "documenting references in the research pages", and second: list References that are recorded at the latest scientific research.

  • Books

General format: Author(s). (Year). Title of book: Subtitle. Place of Publication: Publisher.

  • Article or Chapter from an Edited Book

General format: Author(s) [of article/chapter]. (Year). Title of chapter: Subtitle. In Name of editor (Ed.), Title of book: Subtitle (pages of article/chapter). Place of Publication: Publisher.

  • PowerPoints, PDF document

Basic format: Author(s).  (Year). Title of document [format of document]. Retrieved from URL

  • Web Sites

Basic web page, general format: Author(s). (Date published, copyright or last revision). Title of specific web page or article: Subtitle. Retrieved from URL of specific web page or article

  • Documenting Books 
    • Apa style example (apa writing style): One author: “Beeson, M. (2007). Regionalism & globalization in East Asia: Politics, security and economic development. New York: Palgrave MacMillan”.
    • Apa style example (apa writing style): two authors: “Chomsky, N., & Halle, M. (1968). The sound patterns of English. New York: Harper & Row”.
    • Apa style example (apa writing style): Three or more authors: “Larson, G. W., Ellis, D. C., & Rivers, P. C. (1984). Essentials of chemical dependency counseling. New York: Columbia University Press”.
  • Documenting  Article  or  Chapter from an Edited Book
  • Articles from a Reference
    • Apa style example (apa writing style): With author: “Moore, C. (1991). Mass spectrometry. In Encyclopedia of chemical technology (4th ed., Vol. 15,pp. 1071-1094). New York: Wiley”.
    • Apa style example (apa writing style): “Without author: Diabetes. (1997). In The World Book encyclopedia (Vol. 4, pp. 70-91). London: World Book, Inc”.
  • Newspaper Articles
    • Apa style example (apa writing style): “With author: Jefferson, G. (1998, August 12). Microsoft to face lengthy court battle. Herald International,p. A1”.
    • Apa style example (apa writing style): “Without author: Food firm helps lift Saudi shares. (2009, October 11). The National, p. B2”.

 Watch: APA style referencing tutorial | APA in text citation | How to reference in APA style 


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