How to Be a Good Translator? - المنارة للاستشارات

How to Be a Good Translator?

How to Be a Good Translator?
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How to Be a Good Translator?

(With Examples)

 Who is the translator? 

A translator is someone who transfers written materials such as newspaper articles, magazines, books, booklets and documents from one language to another.

The skills and experience required by translation include: the ability to write well in the target language, the ability to read and understand materials in the native language fully, and the ability to use the latest hardware and software for word processing and communication.

Translators come from all backgrounds. Some have degrees in translation, while many translators have degrees in general fields such as literature or history. While a specialized translation certificate is useful, it is not necessary. The most important is ability and skill.

Above all, translators must have a keen interest and passion in the languages ​​in which they work. In all cases, translators must improve their language skills throughout their careers.

Translators and their employers often neglect to know where the translator works. Translators are by definition language professionals, but they should also develop their knowledge of the areas in which they work.

Most translators need to specialize by working in one or a few interrelated areas, such as legal, financial, medical, computer, electrical engineering, etc. Each field is characterized by its own vocabulary, linguistic structures and style, which requires the translator to work hard to develop the necessary knowledge to help them deal with these materials.

 Steps to be considered in the translator’s mind 

There are many steps a translator must follow in order to translate content as required. These steps are as follows:

  1. Reading the text to be translated: In the beginning and before the translator begins the process of translation, the translator must be familiar with the text to be translated in order to make sure that the ability to translate correctly.
  2. Preparing of translation tools: The translator must prepare all translation tools from monolingual, bilingual and terminology dictionaries.
  3. Providing a quiet place for translation: The translator must provide a quiet place to perform the translation, due to the need for translation to focus heavily.
  4. Splitting the text into paragraphs: The translator must divide the text into a number of paragraphs and then translate each section of these paragraphs separately, and after the completion of the translation of each section must take a break before the translator begins to translate the other section.
  5. Identifying of ambiguous words: This is done before the start of the translation process. The translator must read the text and put lines under words that do not know their meanings, to then translate the word independently and identify the meaning, and through the lexicon.
  6. Reviewing the translation after completion: After the translation is complete, the translator should take a break before re-reading the translated text to make sure that the text is free of errors.

 Chinese translator:  Dr. Mohsen Ferjani 

An interview with Dr. Mohsen Ferjani, a professor of Chinese at the Faculty of Al-Alsun at Ain Shams University, as one of the leading Arabic translators of Chinese. Dr. Ferjani is the first to open the door to translate the heritage of Chinese creativity into Arabic extensively. He is the first Egyptian and Arab to receive the Golden Award in Chinese Book in 2013. That Chinses translator was also honored by the Chinese President among the top ten Arab figures who contributed to presenting the Chinese language and literature to the Arab reader. In this dialogue with Dr Mohsen Ferjani, the Chinese translator describes himself as a Chinese heritage researcher rather than an interpreter.

 Spanish translator: Agnatio Gutiérrez de Tiran 

Agnatio Gutiérrez de Tiran is one of the most prominent Spanish translators to and from Arabic. This Spanish translator is currently a professor in the Division of Arabic, Islamic and Oriental Studies at the Autonomous University of Madrid. He also worked for the Spanish news agency in Granada and is a researcher specializing in contemporary history of the Arab and Islamic world. Gutierrez has published several articles and papers in Arabic and Spanish.

This Spanish translator has also published a number of books, including: Yemen, the Forgotten Key in the Arab World and the Arab Revolutions, Somalia: Tribes, Islam and International Terrorism, Iraq, Invasion, Occupation and Chaos, and Journey Ali Bay to Morocco. This Spanish translator also translated many Arabic novels into the language of the Cervantes, including: “Mothballs” by Alia Mamdouh, “I saw Ramallah” by Mourid Barghouti, “Bobello's stones” by Edward Al-Kharrat, “Al-Rawd al-Ater” by Nazafawi, etc.

 The importance of online translator 

Why is online translator important?

  1. Online translator saves effort and time on researchers. An online translator will provide a proper translation to researchers in a short period of time.
  2. An online translator provides simultaneous translation to the owners of companies and laboratories who will be able to obtain simultaneous interpretation of matters related to their work.
  3. An online translator provides an opportunity for a person to translate documents, videos, audio tracks, and other work that needs a sound and fast translation.

Thus, it is worth mentioning that the online translator has a great role to play in helping users to get the translation of the information they need quickly and instantly, through specialized websites providing simultaneous translation of all documents, photos and videos.

 Watch: How To Translate YouTube Videos To English Or Another Language 


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