اطلب الخدمة
Translation with Examples
Translation is one of the oldest sciences needed in order to understand the meaning of the meaning of phrases, speeches and writings, where God has made our tongues different needs to be translated according to the language spoken by the listener or the reader. Hence, translation is the process of converting one language into another, which will explain to the listener or reader the message to be understood from both the process of reading and writing.
The importance of translation, especially the translation of texts, is to spread science and knowledge among people. Moreover, the process of translating texts is of great importance in understanding different cultures, as the writer reflects his culture as well as the culture of his country through the books and literature he writes. The translator performs the role of translating texts that reflect the culture of the author's society on the subject of the text. Hence, the translator is a link between people.
French Translation
It is known that the process of translation is the process in which the translators are converting the language to another language in order to deliver the exact message that the original writer wants to convey. Therefore, the French translation is the process that the researchers do in order to convert the message of any language into the French language. Thus, this article contains some of the examples that show such sentences in French translation.
The word “researcher” has many meanings in French such as, qui investigue, vérificateur, qui vérifie and enquêteur.
Thus, the French translations of the word “الباحث” are as follows:
The word in Arabic language
French translation
باحث عن الذهب- عامة
مساعد باحث (اسم)- عامة
باحث مختبر- عامة
باحَثَ- عامة
discuter avec
باحث- عامة

English to Spanish Translation Sentences
The translation of English to Spanish sentences is the duty of the translators in which they meaningfully can turn the message that the English writers want to deliver into a Spanish language. This article has some examples of English to Spanish translation sentences.
English sentence
Spanish translation
This article is about translation.
Este artículo trata sobre la traducción.
The Spanish translation depends on the creativity of translator.
La traducción al español depende de la creatividad del traductor.
Spanish translation is an important duty.
La traducción al español es un deber importante.
How does the translator translate from English to Spanish?
Cómo traduce el traductor del Inglés al español?
Spanish translation has many advantages.
La traducción al español tiene muchas ventajas.
Creative Spanish translation is important.
La traducción creativa en español es importante.
The translators translate many books into Spanish.
Los traductores traducen muchos libros al español.
Latin Translation
The Latin translation is the transforming of any language into the Latin language by the translators who are good in translating the message in the source language into the Latin language. Thus, this article contains such important phrases in English language translated into the Latin language by specialized translators.
- The Latin translation of “at the place” is “ad locum”.
- The Latin translation of “to the light” is ad “lucem”.
- The Latin translation of “to death” is “ad mortem”.
- The Latin translation of “to the eyes” is “ad oculos”.
- The Latin translation of “to the weight of all things” is “ad pondus omnium”.
- The Latin translation of “to the matter” is “ad rem”.
- The Latin translation of “here we are” is “ad sumus”.
- The Latin translation of “in order to achieve what has been undertaken” is “ad susceptum perficiendum”.
German Translation
This paragraph is about the names in the German language which is highly needed to be clear for the translators in order to get a good German translation. The name in German translation is called the following terms of das Hauptwort, das Dingwort, das Substantiv ang das Nomen which are all indications of living beings, inanimate objects, intangible qualities, tangible things, events and so on.
What distinguishes the German translation is that the first letter of the name is capitalized, except in very few cases. The meaning of the name in the German translation must be capitalized not only the names of people or countries as in English, for example, but regular names such as der Stuhl (chair).
The names in German translation are expressed with clearly marked signs of expression and are divided by sex into masculine, feminine and neutral. This is slightly different from Arabic, which contains only masculine and feminine grammar. In terms of numbers in the German translation, the German language is limited to individuals and plurals and is absent from the formula of Deuteronomy, which is replaced by pluralism.
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