Academic translation - المنارة للاستشارات

Academic translation

Academic translation
اطلب الخدمة

Academic translation

 What is Scientific translation (Academic translation)?

Scientific translation (Academic translation) is defined as the translation through which the translator translates scientific papers and scientific documents from one language to another, as if the translator translates scientific documents and certificates from Arabic into English.

Scientific translation (Academic translation) does not require possessing academic talent in order to succeed, but it is enough to be aware of academic terms in the fields in which it is translated. There are many different types of translation that vary depending on the task that this translation will perform.

Scientific translation (Academic translation)  needs a great experience working to transfer and translate scientific research according to its receipt without any change in the order of research and know the Scientific translation (Academic translation)  as the translation of texts from one language to another, in order to transfer scientific research to that language to keep pace with the civilization and developments in the age and scientific advancement, translators needs to be knowledgeable in order to be able to understand the research in every detail, since it is impossible to translate scientific information and terminology without understanding it.

Scientific translation (Academic translation)  does not need the translator to work his imagination during the translation, but the translation of the text as stated in the original text contributes to the development of scientific research and transfer between different countries in addition to that, in Scientific translation (Academic translation) there are several steps must be adhered to the scientific translator in order to help him understand the terminology and transfer it to the other language, the translator must, while doing the practical translation, be neutral, and not add things or delete other things.

The translator must re-read the text after translation, and to ensure the correctness of the Scientific translation (Academic translation), and free from linguistic errors, grammatical and spelling and so we see that Scientific translation (Academic translation)  has a major role in the transfer of scientific research from one language to another, and thus the transfer of discoveries between different civilizations and cultures, to contribute in its development, Scientific translation (Academic translation)  requires the knowledge of the researcher in the field of research.

Accredited translation is the last step before submitting papers to the official authority. Accredited translation has a recognized status and benefits from accredited translation services to individuals, companies, institutions, governmental and non-governmental bodies. The papers that require certified translation are Commercial Register - Tax Card - Birth Certificate - Moving Certificate - Passport Travel - Ownership contracts - Graduation certificates - Marriage contracts and others Bank account.

Scientific translation (Academic translation) in research translation is essential for every scientific researcher and research translation is based on the translation of texts according to the rules of Scientific translation (Academic translation) for research without changing the wording of the research during translation. Research can be translated in two ways: human translation and Internet translation

Translating sites has become of great importance is expanding the scope of communication and maintain the growth of business or brands or institutions because they target foreign markets, and translating sites open new markets and thus increase the return on investment and although translating sites is a good idea, but some of them are considered fraud, because of the expenses that they fear to bear to translate their websites, but there are translating sites free and widespread and there are many translation sites and in general translating sites is a kind of assistance and there are translating sites of companies and institutions and is one of the most important channels. As a result of the transition from local markets to be global, translating sites for many languages ​​has emerged. Translating sites must be adhered to and to translate the sites of great importance to the world because they depend on the translating sites expand their business on the face of the world.

 Translating thesis (research translation or approved translation for research) 

Translating thesis (research translation or approved translation for research) is the translation of a document that represents the writing of research and the results of research carried out by the researcher and submitted to an academic body in order to support his candidacy for a degree or specialized certificate such as bachelor, master or doctorate and translating thesis (research translation or approved translation for research) is of great importance for researchers.  

For scientific consideration, an approved translation as an invitation to scrutinize the consideration and writing research, in the sense that translating thesis (research translation or approved translation for research) is a completely new addition that results in the discovery of what was not known before and when translating thesis (research translation or approved translation for research) must take into account the formulation of norms and normative foundations, and translating thesis (research translation or approved translation for research) benefits.

A number of them enrich the knowledge, marketing and gain experience. Translating thesis (research translation or approved translation for research) is a long and difficult process, but it is important. Translating thesis (research translation or approved translation for research) is considered one of the most important requirements for obtaining a scientific degree.

In addition, translating thesis (research translation or approved translation for research) requires the researcher to expand the references and when translating thesis (research translation or approved translation for research), the translator must also take into account the size of the dissertation.

 Watch: Studying Translation 



We have the ability to help in research translation in English or Arabic 
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With greetings: Al - Manara Consulting to help researchers and graduate students

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