Terms of selection of previous studies in PHD Research Proposal - المنارة للاستشارات

Terms of selection of previous studies in PHD Research Proposal

Terms of selection of previous studies in PHD Research Proposal
اطلب الخدمة


Terms of selection of previous studies in PHD Research Proposal

There is no doubt that previous studies have a strong role in discussing the problem PHD Research Proposal, and the results of scientific research can be analyzed using the results of previous studies. There are several conditions for writing previous studiesPHD Research Proposal, and following some of these conditions:

First: To acquaint the researcher with the primary sources of previous studies and to avoid secondary sources.

Second: The researcher of thePHD Research Proposalshall verify the validity of the information available. To write previous studies.

Third: Stay away from previous unpublished studies, whether in magazines or periodicals.

Fourth: Stay away from previous studies that do not relate to the present PHD Research Proposal.

Fifth: Trying to shorten and just write the main ideas, and away from the expansion and the boring method of writing and presentation of previous studies.

Sixth: Selection of previous studies of the researcher closely related to the subject of study and away from the introduction of previous studies not appropriate to the problem and objectives of PHD Research Proposal.

Seventh: The researcher must adhere to such as objectivity and neutrality if some previous studies do not fit his ideas should be presented.

Eighth: It is important that the researcher of the PHD Research Proposal writes the previous studies in order from the newest to the oldest, and says that this is within the researcher's knowledge.

Ninth: Presentation of previous studies of the PHD Research Proposal should contain the title and year, objectives in a short, method, sample and study tools, as well as the most important findings and recommendations of previous studies on the current study, which benefit well.

Tenth: The researcher of the PHD Research Proposal must standardize the dates in the previous studies through the use of either the Hijri date or Gregorian date, so as not to cause confusion in the reader's mind, it is not correct to mix dates Arab and foreign in the study.

On this basis, we can divide the previous studies of thePHD Research Proposalinto two axes if the scientific research contains two variables that are not associated with any joint study. They can only be presented under the title of the previous studies if studies combine the two variables.

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