How to Write Ph.D. Proposal Conclusion and Discussion? - المنارة للاستشارات

How to Write Ph.D. Proposal Conclusion and Discussion?

How to Write Ph.D. Proposal Conclusion and Discussion?
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How to Write Ph.D. Proposal Conclusion and Discussion?


It is widely known that the process of writing a conclusion for Ph.D. proposal is as difficult as writing the introduction of the Ph.D. proposal. There is one difference between the introduction of the Ph.D. proposal and conclusion is that in the introduction the Ph.D. researchers pose questions to their readers while in conclusion, the Ph.D. researchers answer those questions. However, the Ph.D. researchers must remember that a conclusion is not a summary of the introduction even though a paragraph may be the summary of the whole proposal.

In the section of discussion of the Ph.D. proposal, the Ph.D. researchers interpret their results and bridge the gap that they promise to do when formulating the hypothesis of the Ph.D. proposal.

In the process of summarizing the conclusion and discussion of the Ph.D. proposal, the Ph.D. researchers should follow the following tips:

1. Explain in plain English what we understand now that we did not understand before. Write for your

readers not for yourself. Never mention the words I, We or I found that and so on.

2. Interpret your problem statement and show with evidence from your literature review section that you

have indeed bridged a major gap in knowledge.

3. Discuss and reason about the significant contribution of your experimental research and argue that you have solved a major problem if not it would have continued in the future.

4. Make sure that you reconnect your claims with lots of documented evidence from your literature review to interpret your findings. Lastly, do not forget to be concise and to the point, no more no less.




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