Research proposal introduction - المنارة للاستشارات

Research proposal introduction

Research proposal introduction
اطلب الخدمة
Research proposal introduction

The introduction is the first step that helps the readers to establish the main points about the significance of the research proposal. In the section of research proposal introduction, the researchers indicate the main hypothesis whether they are positive or negative ones, informative sentences or questions that give the readers a general idea about the research proposal. In addition, the introduction of the research proposal includes the significance, purpose, and problem of the whole research proposal. The significance of the section of the research proposal introduction that the introduction gives answers all questions that came up from the reader's mind. At the same time, the introduction imposes new questions for the readers. 

In the section of the research proposal introduction, the researchers write the hypothesis which includes everything that the researchers observe and review during the process of information gathering. Then, the researchers make such an investigation in order to prove the currency of the hypothesis. In addition, the researchers write, in the section of research proposal introduction, the importance of the current research proposal to the relevant fields and to other ones. Furthermore, the researchers include the purposes of their research proposal, as well as the researchers, explain the reasons behind choosing such topic to investigate at.

It is important to mention that the introduction of the research proposal makes the readers interested in the topic of the research proposal in which the researchers attract the readers to study such field. The introduction of the researchers includes the problem statement of the study in which the researchers describe the whole context of the research proposal. In addition, the researchers make a clear explanation about the main ideas that the researchers investigate in order to support them.

To sum up, the introduction of the research proposal is the section of the research proposal in which the researchers cover the most important points in the research proposal. To illustrate, the researchers write the reasons that motivate them in order to investigate the issue or the problem of the study. In addition, the researchers write the purposes and the aims of the research proposal in specific points. The introduction of the research proposal has a significant role in attracting the readers to study the research.




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