Research Paper Definition - المنارة للاستشارات

Research Paper Definition

Research Paper Definition
اطلب الخدمة


Research Paper Definition

The research paper is considered as an essay in which the writers can explain what they learned after the process of finding out the topic of the research paper in depth. In the research paper, the writers include the information and data from many sources, such as internet sites, interviews, books, and articles. The writers also use their own ideas, opinions, and knowledge. Furthermore, the research paper should have 80% at least the writer’s own words.

The writers focus on the central issue they have such interests in through the process of writing the research paper. One of the most important problems is that the limitation of the topic allows the writers to cover the topic in the research paper in such an assigned length. Moreover, the researchers can organize the whole research paper in term of the significant points refer to the topic of the research paper by revealing their stand of views about the object of the research and stating their main ideas in their own words. In addition, the researchers use such information from different sources in order to support the main ideas that they get.

Thus, the research paper should have various sentences that contain such necessary details written by the researcher’s own ways. When the researchers are in the process of paraphrasing and summarizing ideas relate to the subject of the topic, they pay attention to the point that they should attach the sources of the ideas they paraphrase and summarize. The reason beyond that is to get the confidence of readers and to attract their attention in order to make them keep reading the paper as well as to find out the very information and data they really need.

Furthermore, the research paper does not only haunt thoughts and ideas of other scientists and authors, but also the research paper sums up the literature review of such field and analyzes a specific perspective. Regardless of the type of the research paper that the researchers write, the completed research paper presents the researcher’s own thinking that is backed up by the ideas of other scientists and authors.





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